
Embark on a journey to a healthier you. Whether you're looking to kickstart a new fitness routine or take your current one to the next level, Truth Fitness is here to guide you every step of the way.

Our team of experienced trainers are dedicated to helping you achieve your goals, no matter how big or small. Let us be your partner in health and wellness.

Certified in personal training, CPR and Nutrition since 2007. International Sports Sciences Association

What makes us different ?

Why Truth Fitness stands out from the others when it comes to personal training. We offer highly customized fitness programs that cater to each client's unique needs and goals. Unlike generic workout plans, I conduct comprehensive initial assessments to understand clients' fitness levels, preferences, and any specific health considerations. I prioritize building strong, supportive relationships with clients, ensuring they feel motivated and empowered throughout their fitness journey. Additionally, my training philosophy emphasizes a balanced approach to fitness, combining strength training, cardiovascular exercises, and flexibility work, all while integrating nutrition guidance for holistic well-being.

Learn about our services

  • Discover the perfect workout tailored just for you. Uncover the secrets to a healthier lifestyle with our exclusive program designed to meet your needs. Your workouts will be customized to your training style so you can meet your fitness goals.

  • Food is important to any workout plan. Elevate your training experience with our nutrition programming which will help you achieve your ultimate health goals. Nutrition should fit each individual, so if you are having trouble with meal planning, we can help you eat better with a good fitness routine!

  • Transform your body and mind with others. With the motivation of your trainer this will guide you towards a healthier version of yourself with group training sessions. Sometimes you may need another person along with a trainer to push you to the next level. Group training is a great option if you are on a budget .

  • Too far away to train in person? Online learning and professional development maybe for you. Our platform offers a comprehensive range of courses and training programs designed to enhance your skills and knowledge from the comfort of your home or office. With interactive, real-time sessions, our expert instructors provide a dynamic and engaging learning experience. Truth Fitness Virtual Training Hub has the resources and support you need to succeed. Join us today and take the next step in your fitness journey!

  • No Matter the age group, flexibility needs to be addressed- whether you’re competing in sports, sitting at a desk or a senior citizen. Proper stretching after training will improve the way you feel and perform your daily task.

  • You're probably familiar with high-intensity interval training (HIIT). When it comes to cardio, HIIT is definitely the best way to strip off body fat, to the extent that there's literally no reason to hop on a treadmill and run at a steady pace for 30 or spending countless hours in the gym getting no results. With my style of HIIT training you will burn more calories and more body fat instead of doing the same boring routine. For those of you who aren't familiar with HIIT, it involves intervals of high-intensity exercise (such as performing an aerobic exercise at 90% of your max heart rate) followed by low intensity (walking or weighted exercise at a moderate pace) or complete rest.

  • Improves over all body strength (legs, core and upper body) includes a combination of free weights, machine based training, resistant band, medicine balls, Swiss ball training, manual resistance and kettlebell training.

  • This type of training will focus on your target heart-rate, mainly for people who want lose weight. This will really challenge you! This consists of interval training, circuit training with recovery timing, running, and plyometric training. Bring a towel and water bottle for this one !